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KVM Crystals

Angelite Orgone Tower

Angelite Orgone Tower

Regular price 15.65USD
Regular price Sale price 15.65USD
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(Approx. 4”)

Orgones are made from a mix of gemstone chips, metal filings, and epoxy resin, resulting in a highly efficient energy transmutation tool. Negative energy is absorbed and transmuted into positive energy while emanating the energy of a set intention.

Angelite - Angelite, sometimes known as the Greek term “Anhydrite”, is a stone that brings in peace and soothing energies. Angelite transmutes a vibration that clears anxiety, anger, and resentment. It opens your mind and heart in emotional and metaphysical aspects by filling your heart with compassion and strength, and assists with reaching a higher consciousness. Astral travel, psychic abilities, connections with spirit guides and guardian angels are enhanced with this stone. Angelite is associated with the throat, third eye, and crown chakras.

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