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KVM Crystals

Necklace w/ Beads (Adjustable)

Necklace w/ Beads (Adjustable)

Regular price 9.89USD
Regular price 12.32USD Sale price 9.89USD
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Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals known for its radiating pink color and known for representing universal love and unconditional love. This stone helps strengthen love or romantic relationships, encourages passion and intimacy with your  partners, controls personal conflicts, and targets the heart to release negative emotions you may have been holding on to. It positively directs your thoughts and gives you energy to pursue passions in your life. Rose Quartz is associated with the heart chakra, which embraces self love as well as giving and receiving love. 

Amethyst -Amethyst is known to be one of the most protective and powerful stones. Amethyst is a crystal for cleansing, protection, and inspiration. This crystal calms the mind and spirit, protects you from nightmares and insomnia, and reduces negative energetic influences. It is great for soothing and balancing emotions like fear, stress, anxiety, and rage. Amethyst also opens your intuition, enhances psychic abilities, and guards against spiritual attacks as well. Amethyst corresponds to the crown chakra.

Clear QuartzClear Quartz is an admirable crystal known as the master healer. It protects and shields against negative energy, enhances feelings of joy and happiness, and encourages spiritual growth in all aspects. This crystal is great for working with all the chakras and it is a great crystal for overall growth in energy and vibration. Infinite possibilities from the universe come easily with clear quartz. This stone is great to have in your home or to carry around you on any occasion to transmute healing and purifying energy.

Black Tourmaline-  Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone that is all about protection against negative energies, entities, and destructive forces. This crystal promotes empowerment when you are facing difficult times in life and gives you the confidence and strength you need to push forward past life’s obstacles. This crystal is good for meditation, healing, and provides protection during ritual work. During feelings of anxiety and panic, having this crystal around you or near you can help soothe these feelings. The chakra associated with tourmaline is the root chakra

Tigers Eye Tigers Eye is all about bringing out inner strength, confidence, self-worth, and clearing negative energy. It helps with lack of motivation and helps enhance our focus. This crystal truly helps us with our drives for success. Tigers Eye also amplifies psychic abilities, helps with mental blocks, toxic energies and provides protection and inner strength for any obstacle in life. This crystal is a grounding crystal connected to both the root chakra and sacral chakra. 

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