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KVM Crystals

Heart Chakra Kit (Rough Stone)

Heart Chakra Kit (Rough Stone)

Regular price 10.43USD
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Consisting of 4 raw green crystals, this kit targets the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the middle chakra, which holds our connection to both the physical and spiritual aspects of ourselves. When the heart chakra is in balance, we cultivate love and joy easily, we have self acceptance and accept others, and we give and receive genuinely. The heart chakra is all about compassion for the universe. 

This kit includes 4 raw stones that target the heart chakra.

Crystals Included: 

Green Aventurine

Green Apatite


Emerald Calcite


Descriptions of crystals:

Green Aventurine - Aventurine is a powerful crystal known for bringing prosperity and abundance in your life. This stone is great in assisting with decision making, heightens communication, and brings out compassion. Aventurine is perfect to place in your home or office. The chakra associated with Aventurine is the heart chakra. 

Fuchsite - Fuchsite is a gorgeous green stone of the Muscovite Variety. It is one of the most elegant stones you’ll see because of its sparkles! This stone is great for reflection on every aspect in our daily lives and influences the healing process when you have undergone physical or emotional trauma. Fuchsite gives new perspectives on life and influences energy such as joy and playfulness. Fuchsite shifts energy into positive channels, which releases any negative blockages within. Fuchsite is associated with the heart chakra

Green Apatite - Green Apatite is a gorgeous dark green stone that helps balance the mind and the heart in emotional situations and brings manifestations and visions to life. It stimulates flow of energy on the physical plane and can be used for abundance. Green Apatite brings in uplifting energy like hope and courage, and helps overcome self-consciousness. This crystal promotes openness and social ease. This crystal enhances other crystals around it and can awaken heart knowledge, which allows one to understand their emotional nature. Overall, green apatite is a joyful stone that embraces good health, energy, and happiness.

Emerald calcite - works on energy within love. Its healing properties include clearing blocked energy and allowing the flow of self love and giving love. It shows your heart the way to healthy and stable relationships, soothes anxiety, breaks bad relationship habits, and helps you find your true love or soulmate. Emerald Calcite is a great amplifier and cleanser as well.This crystal is green, just like the chakra it is associated with which is the heart chakra. 

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