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The Dragon Lotus

Juniper Sticks 4”

Juniper Sticks 4”

Regular price 4.40USD
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Juniper ⭐️ - Juniper is the closest magical plant ally to healing and protection. It can enhance spiritual connections, allowing you to draw closer to the spiritual realms. Smudging with juniper can open up your third eye and help you achieve a higher state of consciousness. The magical properties of juniper can help to open up your intuition and psychic abilities.

Great for cleansing, heals emotional wounds, opens blocked energies, enhances spiritual connections, provides protection, brings luck and prosperity, improves sickness and ailments, purifies aura (balance peace harmony), improves sleep due to calming aroma, can be used in rituals to attract love, raises overall vibration, increases manifestation power, can calm anxious minds.

Smudging with juniper is thought to be a powerful way of connecting with your ancestors. Juniper has long been associated with the spiritual realm, making it perfect for honoring the spirits of our ancestors. Burning juniper smudge during rituals can help you draw on their wisdom and guidance. It can also create a bridge between this life and the next, allowing us to stay connected with our loved ones who have passed away.

Burning juniper sticks and sharing the smoke can help to strengthen the bond between two people, allowing them to open up and be vulnerable with each other.


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